Geotechnical Desk Studies

In The Midlands

Complete analysis of the available data

Depending on your specific needs, a full ground investigation may not be necessary. Ground Investigation Specialists Ltd is here to help make your project work, which is why we offer you the opportunity to utilise our expert team to analyse available data, and identify at an early stage the potential geotechnical, mining and geoenvironmental hazards which could affect your site and development, and what to target as part of any ground investigation.

Why a desk study?

It's often said that “knowledge is power” and that is certainly the goal behind your desk study. Gather the maximum amount of data available to make sure you are addressing all the potential risk factors going forward, saving time and money later.

Included in the desk study are historical maps and geological/environmental maps and enquiries to the Environment Agency, Coal Authority, relevant local authority and several other sources. All studies have a site walkover survey carried out by a qualified engineer.
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Further Information

The full desk study with a Preliminary Conceptual Model highlighting potential areas of concern for the site, usually takes 5 – 10 working days to complete, although preliminary information can be available before that if needed.

To save money and time GIS can also review old desk studies, ground risks and site investigation reports and update them in accordance with current guidance and standards, particularly where contamination is a potential area of concern.

Schedule an appointment with our ground consultants in the Midlands.

Call us on 01902 717 653 to book an appointment