Geoenvironmental Consultants
In The Midlands
Various stages of our services
Our environmental consultants are familiar with the regulatory planning process and the need to submit applications to the local authority and environmental health officer, all in accordance with DEFRA and the Environment Agency’s ‘Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination, CLR 11’.
The study will look into the past and present usage of the site and its geoenvironmental setting, culminating in the development of a Conceptual Site Model to determine potential risks to human health, properties, controlled waters and ecological systems.
Following approval by the regulatory authorities, an intrusive investigation will be carried out with boreholes and/or trial pits sunk to investigate the nature and condition of the ground and groundwater, where necessary. Samples will be taken for physical and chemical testing overseen at UKAS and MCERTS accredited laboratories.
Following consultation and approval by all relevant parties of the site investigation report, a remediation report will be produced detailing the scheme to be implemented to bring the site to a condition suitable for its intended use, such that it does not constitute an unacceptable risk to human health, buildings, controlled waters and the wider environment.
We can supervise and independently validate the approved Remediation Scheme and then produce a Verification Report for sign off by the Regulatory Authorities, allowing the final planning conditions to be granted and the development to proceed.
As part of more substantial planning applications, a comprehensive and multi-faceted Environmental Impact Assessment may be required by local authorities under legislation detailed in The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011.
Schedule an appointment with our ground consultants in the Midlands.
Call us on 01902 717 653 to book an appointment